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CUSTOM 45 MINUTES! VERY CRUEL! HANGED MAN AND WOMEN. SPANKING. HUMILATION. NUDITY! The Greatest Price Hear! Three cops (Man and Women) Were Kidnapped by criminals and executed.. 3 cops - Janina Angelina and Max are dressed in uniforms - they are captured by gunmen - cops surrender their guns - walk to wall with their hands up - they face the wall with their hands up on the wall and one by one gunmen zip tie their hands behind their backs - they are told to face the gunmen and get on their knees - Gunmen tell cops their orders are to kill them - Gunmen tell each cop to say their name and their age - they do. Gunmen order cops to open their mouths - then look up - 1 gunman puts a gun in the Angelinas mouth while other gunman calls the boss to make sure this is what they want - gunmen slides the gun in and out of the mouths of all 3 cops telling them to keep looking up with their mouths open telling them he hopes to shoot them now- other gunman hangs up the phone saying dont shoot them - Gunmen are very disappointed "Boss wants us to bring them in" - Cops are stood and they are led out of the building into the implied van 1 by 1 we see each cop nude with their hands up being led up stairs (Screenshot 685) They are lined up at the top of the stairs to be ball gagged and have their hands zip tied behind their backs We see them enter "another building" after implied van ride - now nude -ball gagged - hands zip tied behind their backs- they are walked into a large room - the cops are lined up along a wall facing the gunmen. Along one wall of the room are 3 nooses dangling over 3 stools - Along another wall are 3 dog cages - over the dog cages is a framed picture of a large bonfire and along the top of the wall are the severed heads of prior murder victims or framed pictures of prior murder victims The cops are sat in 3 chairs in the middle of the room and the video cameras are started and the broadcast begins: Gunmen is giving instructions to the cops then says "We have captured 3 cops - here in this room with souvenirs of prior victims lets hear from them - Gag is removed from Janina who says "I am Janina from Precinct 3 - Cops Angelina Max and I have been captured by these guys and they want to broadcast us so you can see us nude tied up and they will gag me again so we will all be gagged. They tell me you will see us noosed to hang - you will see us locked in dog cages - and you will see us tied to posts" Gunman regags Janina and removes the gag from Angelina so Angelina can speak Angelina "I am Angelina They are saying that when we are locked in the dog cages they may want to throw us in a bonfire" And Angelina is regagged and the gag is removed from Max Max "I am Max They say when we willl be tied to posts to be whipped and then beat to death with baseball bats" Max is regagged After some time gunman phone rings - he hangs up and very happily says "That was the boss - we can prepare these cops to kill them" Next scene Gunmen approach the 3 cops sitting in the chairs - they are stood and escorted to the noosed - each is helped up the stool and noosed - We see each cop on a stool - noosed - nude - ballgagged - hands zip tied behind their backs - we see them from the front and the back Next scene Gunmen approach the 3 cops sitting in the chairs - Gunmen remove the zip ties tying their hands and the cops are walk to a far wall - they are told to grab their ankles - they do - we see them from their rear and front - then they are stood - their wrists are tied in front of them (Pic awrist) and their ankles are restrained together (Pic aleg) then they are told to get on the floor on all fours (Screenshot 688)and forced to crawl on all fours into their cages (Screenshot 689) -Gunmen lock the cages with padlocks We see the cops locked in their cages (Screenshot 690) Next scene Gunman approach 3 cops sitting in chairs - They escort cops to x frame posts and secure each cop to a post facing the post - whips and baseball bats are brought out (Please mimic the scene from "Execution of Female Lawyers" Video from the 15 minute 40 second mark to 17 minutes 20 seconds of how the cops are brought to the posts and secured) Next scene 3 cops are noosed and on stools - they are nude gagged hands zip tied behind their backs - stools are kicked out from under them and they hang Next scene Cops are locked in the dog cages- The dog cages are by the door to be taken outside to the fire -Gunmen are going in and out of the room talking about building the fire - they talk about adding more hay - more wood - gasoline, etc Next scene(s) 1 by 1 we see each cop tied to x frame post - facing post - Gunmen whip their butts - Gunmen turn the cops around and secure them to x frame posts facing them to whip their boobs- once they have finished whipping their boobs the women are gagged again and the men exchange the whips for baseball bats to beat them to death ( Please mimic the whipping scene from "Execution of Female Lawyers" video from the 17 minute 20 second mark to the 21 minute 40 second mark to where they now gagged and ready to be beat to death by baseball bats) Second unrelated scenario The women are led into room at gunpoint by gunmen - They are in very nice dresses, make up, etc - their hands are tied behind their backs - They are sat in the room and told to stay quiet Gunmen bring stools into the room and hang nooses over the stools - women start to panic and plead - Gunmen are angry - Women are lined up facing the wall and gunmen pull down their panties - women are ordered to turn around and they are gagged with their panties held in by clear tape Women are put back in the chairs as men finish hanging the nooses - In the next scene we see the women tied in the chairs - gagged with panties held in by clear tape - but wearing bra and panties and they are blindfolded Gunmen remove their blindfolds and show them the nooses from where they will hang Video cameras are set up to watch the gunmen escort the ladies up the stools and noose them We see the women on stools noosed from their front and back while gunmen tie ropes to the stools which will be used to pull the stools out from under the women